Seiklushunt’s 2024 program
This year is the Jubilee Year of Seiklushunt! A decade has flown by – but time tends to fly when you’re in good company. Thank you to everyone who has joined us on adventures over these years! And since the number of participants is increasing, it’s a sign that it’s worth planning and announcing the program for 2024!
13th of March – 15th of May – Spring season
4th of September – 6th of November – Autumn season

More information:
28th of April – Kiviõli (Kiviõli Adventure Center)
9th of June – Rummu (Rummu quarry)
3rd of August – Öövägilane aka Night Edition (Lähte)
4th of August – Lähte (Lähte health trail)

Since Estonia has many interesting places, it’s appropriate from time to time to bring a breath of fresh air to the series and go explore new areas. The biggest change for the Hero’s Obstacle Race series in 2024 is the shift in the location of the first stage – we’re still staying in Ida-Virumaa, but getting closer to the center. Thank you, Narva, for hosting us for all these seven years! The second stage will once again take place in Rummu, where we were warmly welcomed, and the exciting environment offers plenty of exploration.
In 2023, the night version of Vägilane – Öövägilane – made its debut. Those who missed out on participating the first time (registration had limited spots!) now have a new opportunity!
30th of March – Tartu rogain
1st of June – Paluküla rogain
24th of August – Tõrva rogain
26th of October – Vidrike rogain

Who participated in Seiklushunt’s very first sports event 10 years ago? It was a rogain held in Tartu! And in the jubilee year, we’re repeating history – but this time with more participants (hopefully 😀), more excitement, and cooler everything than when we first experimented!
We’ll try to maintain the rhythm of rogaines so that both forest and urban orienteers find it interesting. This means one rogain in the city, another in the forest, the third incorporating the urban environment again, and the fourth more in the midst of nature.
SINGLE EVENTS (aka Special Pearls)
9th of November – TrailHunt Vooremäe1000
14th of December – Charity Christmas Run

Additional events may be added to the program as we go, because you never know what idea might pop into Arvi’s head in the middle of the season while running on a forest trail, so be prepared for surprises!
As always, there’s no pre-registration for the orienteering Wednesdays, but for other events, you must register through the registration platform: