STIHL x SH Järvselja rogaine
Course setter
Peep Teppo
10:00 | Event center is open, race material handout |
11:10 | Briefing about rogain (for the beginners and all other questions about map etc..) |
11:30 | Map handout to all the classes |
12:00 | Start for the main and hiking classes |
12:15 | Start for the family and bike classes |
14:45 | Control time ending for the family and bike classes |
15:00 | Control time ending for the main class |
15:30 | Award ceremony for all the classes (approximately) |
Registration fee
Ticket prices are valid until the relevant date (including)
Seiklushunt's rogaine series (4 stages)
- 01.03
Seiklushunt's rogaine series, hiking class (4 stages)
- 01.03
Main classes (one participant)
- 15.05
- 05.06
- 08.06 (ka kohapeal)
Family class (the whole team)
- 15.05
- 05.06
- 08.06 (ka kohapeal)
Hiking class (individual)
- 15.05
- 05.06
- 08.06 (ka kohapeal)
Additional info
Competition center
Event centre is in Järvselja Õppe- ja Katsemetskond. Google maps link!
Cars can be parked near the competition center (see the picture above).
10.00 Event center is open, race material handout
11.10 Briefing about rogaine (for the beginners and all other questions about map etc..)
11.30 Map handout to all the classes
12.00 Start for main and hiking classes
12.15 Start for the family and bicycle classes
14.45 Control time ending for the family class
14.45 Control time ending for the bicycle class
15.00 Award ceremony for the bicycle class (approximately)
15.00 Control time ending for the main class
15.30 Award ceremony for the main class (approximately)
Competition materials
Competition materials (also rented SPORTident (SI) cards) are available from the secretariat. Please reset all SI-cards, including rented SI-cards, and check them when entering the start area! If the SI-card is not reset the result is canceled.
The SI-card punching system will be used in every class. It can be rented from the organizers (2€). In family class the rent will cost 1€.
All participants must attach the SI-card with a non-removable wristband. Wristband will be given from organizers with other competition materials. In family class, only one member must attach the SI-card with a non-removable wristband.
All members of a team must visit the control point for the team to receive points of that control point within 60 seconds, starting from registering the first SI-card of the team. As there are 39 control points on the terrain, SI-cards with capacity for at least 50 entries are needed. Capacity protests will not be upheld later.
Notice! The finishing time for each competitor will be marked when the very last registration with the SI-card at the finish station is done.
The wristband must remain intact and around the wrist when it gets to the finish.
Meals are served with RINGO reusable bowls and cups. Please put them in the right bag after eating and clean them of food waste beforehand!
HoneyPower gels and bars can also be purchased from the secretariat.
Luggage storage
There is luggage storage tent in the competition center where you can leave your personal belongings, car keys, etc.
Participants can use outdoor washing system in the event centre. There is also a possibility to use a smoke sauna and dip yourself into pond.
More information comes at the beginning of the competition week!
The map is printed on waterproof paper and it can be inserted into the plastic bag. There will be a plastic bag for each team among the starting materials.
Areas striped in red or olive green on the map are prohibited to enter by all the participants. These are private areas so please respect everyone’s privacy!
NB! The map does not reflect the permeability of the forest – both the beautiful pine forest and the energy bush are reflected in white. The fellings and half open juveniles are marked with a yellow sign and with white mummies.
Track master’s comment
The competition landscape in Järvselja situates largely in the forest, including a small amount of farmland and grassland. The forests are largely divided into 300 x 600 m rectangular areas. In terms of relief, it is a fairly flat area.
The length of the distance passing through all checkpoints is 24.5 km (bird’s eye view). There are 40 control points placed on the track, with a total value of 184 points. The length of the hiking trail is 10.5 km (bird’s eye view).
There is no manned drinking station on the trail, but there is a well with clean drinking water from where can participants draw water for themselves with a bucket. This natural watering point is marked on the trail map. There is no drinking station on the hiking trail.
Most of the control points are in the forest so it is highly recommended to wear clothing that protects you from nettles and twigs. The water level in some of the ditches are high so if there is a desire to reach the next point straighter and faster you should take into account that your legs will be soaked.
Many have probably noticed that mosquitoes are in a particularly bad mood this year. Therefore, you should carry an insect repellent, which makes moving in the forest more carefree.
Please note that there may not be mobile and data coverage in the Järvselja area. Therefore, do all important calls, Instagram stories, etc. before reaching Järvselja.
For cyclists: The Ürgmetsa boardwalk is very slippery in the rain, so please be careful with wet planks. It is rather difficult to pass it by bike. The tracks in the forest have different levels of passability – there are very clean and clear paths, but there are also paths overgrown with taller grass.
Classes, conditions, check time
Teams of 2-5 members can participate. Control time for the main class is 3 hours, for the bike and family class it is 2.5 hours.
A hiking class has been added, where participants can move along the route which consists the most interesting points and keeps the orienteering suitable for everyone. On this route, it is allowed to go with a friends group.
Register at:
Registration to events separately:
IBAN: EE472200221061466747 Swedbank, MTÜ Seiklushunt
Explanation field: name of the team/event (i.e. TeamSeiklushunt/Jarvselja Rogaine)
NB! If you want to pay by invoice, please do not pay with the payment link in the registration environment. Send this request to and then pay with a separate transfer based on the invoice!
Start order
Teams will get their maps at the starting area at 11.30. The maps are laid down rolled up. Each roll has a team number on it. Each team also has one extra map for planning. After receiving the maps, the teams can start planning their track away from the starting area (e.g. in the car). All teams must be at the start area at least 10 minutes before the start. When entering the starting area, the judges check that all competitors have the SI-card zeroed and attached to their wrist.
The amount of points for a checkpoint differs by difficulty and distance (from 2 to 5) according to the first digit of the control point number (e.g. control point 47 gives 4 points and 56 gives 5 points). The amount and order of the control points collected is free to choose by the team. Exceeding the control time results in a penalty of -1 point for every minute exceeded (e.g finishing the main class with 3:00:34 time gives a penalty of -1 point). Exceeding the check time for more than 30 minutes results in disqualification.
All participants must obey all the traffic rules during the competition (i.e. traffic lights), and are solely responsible for their well-being. If there is a checkpoint missing or it is somehow damaged please let organizer know as soon as possible. Organizer’s phone number is shown on the map!
There is no water stops – it is recommended to take your own water with you. We recommend doing this either in a bottle belt attached around the waist, in a backpack (camel bag) or in another similar way.
After competition
After finishing, please proceed to the results countdown immediately. Since most of the participants finish at the same time, there may be a queue in the countdown. We ask for your understanding. Each finisher will have Värska Originaal water and warm food at the finish line.
Awarding ceremony
The awarding ceremony will take place at the competition center approximately 15.30. The best three teams of MM, NN, MN and only the winners in the other classes will be awarded, except in family class where lottery prizes will be given.
By making a registration and paying the entry fee, the participant agrees:
… with the instructions, rogaine general guide and conditions set by the organizer;
… that his/her personal data is used in accordance with Estonian laws and regulations;
… that the organizer will send information e-mails;
… that photographs may be taken of him/her at the event;
… that he/she is well trained and healthy to participate in the sport event.
Rights of the organizer
- The organizer has the right to make changes in the additional information that will be available at the beginning of the competition week.
- The organizer has the right to disqualify any participants who do not follow the instructions and regulations of the competition.
- The organizer has the right to use photos and videos taken during the event for its promotional use.
- If the event is cancelled due to conditions not caused by the organizer (Force Majeure), the participation fees will not be refunded.
- If a registered person is not present, the participation fee will not be refunded.
- Questions which cannot be solved based on this guide will be resolved on an ongoing basis by the organizer.