What means OCR World Series?
On the 7th of May will be held or firs race of the season in Narva and it will be also OCR World Series event.
For the Elite wave there is possibility to collect FISO World series points. With this points you can qualify for the World Series Cup, which will be held on every continental. Europe is divided in addition into three parts: Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe.
Every Cup 20 best participants will get chance to take part from the OCR World Cup Final, which will be the big final event where will be all the best from all over the world together!

To qualify for the World Series Cup, your three best race points will be summed and you have to be top three from your agegroup/country.
All world series events you will find here: https://www.worldobstacle.org/ocr-world-series/
Who want´s to collect World Series points in Narva, has to register for the event here: https://mynextmatch.com/mnmEvent/events?sport=8&page=1
If you have already registered to Narva Heroes obstacle race in our registration page ( https://eventor.ee/vagilase-narva23 ) then choose the 10eur ticket in the My Next Match registration page.
To qualify for the FISO OCR European and World Championship you have to complete your homecountry conditions. Estonian OCR federation conditions are here: https://takistuskross.ee/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Tiitlivoistlustele-akrediteerimise-kord-08.01.2023.docx.pdf

With Narva OCR event you can´t qualify for the European Championships anymore, because for that time the registration for the European Championship is already ended. However Estonians will qualify for the World Championships, which are held on 14th-15ht September in Belgium.
More information about the FISO OCR World Championships: https://www.worldobstacle.org/ocr-world-championships/
Estonians who want to qualify for the European and World Championships has to have Estonian OCR Federation license. One year license costs 10 euros.