Baltic OCR League

General rules
Baltic League (BL) in year 2024 consists of 3 competitions held in Standard course (7-15km).
Competitions take place:
20.07.2024 – Gargždai, Lithuania
04.08.2024 – Lähte, Estonia
22.09.2024 – Riga, Latvia
All competitions are held according to competition rules with 3-band rule.
Baltic OCR Champion is announced and prized after last competition 22.09.2024 in Riga.
Baltic Champions are nominated and 3 best results are prized in categories:
W Junior U20 (born 2005-2009)
M Junior U20 (born 2005-2009)
W 20-34 (born 1990-2004)
M 20-34 (born 1990-2004)
W 35-44 (born 1980-1989)
M 35-44 (born 1980-1989)
W Masters 45+ (born 1979 and before)
M Masters 45+ (born 1979 and before)
W Elite the best of all regardless of Age group
M Elite the best of all regardless of Age group
The rules can be different in every competition. Competition rules are published on competition´s homepage and each country´s league homepage or FB page.
All athletes competing in BL must be licensed by their NF.
Baltic Champion becomes an athlete who is the fastest of 3 mentioned competitions. Competitions result time is summarized. Second place gets second fastest, etc.
20.07.2024 Gargždai, Lithuania
Competition organizer OCR Gargždai Club
It involves:
~ 8k route, 30 obstacles
Elite category (3 wristbands system with penalties minutes) + Baltic League/Championship
The course and all obstacles are the same for everyone. Despite category and despite gender).
Rule: 3 wristbands. Penalty: 2 min will be added to finish time per lost wristband.
1 attempt per obstacle.
Open category run: same route without any wristbands
?maybe will be additional kids run ~ 1km
Awards for top 3 men and female.
Open category: no wristbands, unlimited attemps, no awards.
Registration: OCR GARGŽDAI 771 |
Additional price for Baltic League 15€
04.08.2024 Lähte, Estonia – Website
Competition organizer Seiklushunt MTÜ.
Competition belongs to Heroes Race series. The last of 3 (28.04.2024 Kiviõli, 09.06.2024 Rummu) competitions.
Competition involves:
22:22-23:59 Heroes Obstacle Race: Night Edition fun race without medal ceremony
11:00 Childrens run for fun 250-800m (free of charge)
11:40 Short distance ca 4km 20+ obstacles; WJ, MJ, M, W, M45+, W45+
12:20 Standard course 8km 35+ obstacles; Baltic League+ Estonian CH+ ordinary race
The same course for all. BL and Estonian CH has 3-band rule (for women 4 bands), compulsory to overcome A category obstacles.
Ordinary race do not have 3-band rule, can choose A (harder, faster) or B (easier, slower) obstacle.
Competition awards according to elapsed time. Estonian CH awards only for Estonians competing under 3-band rule. Results of athletes who follow the rule of 3 wristbands and are registered in the Baltic League are included in the League. Their time of Gargždai, Lähte and Riga competitions are summarized.
30% discount for under 20y old. Discount code SHNOOR
30% discount for60+y old. Discount code SHSEENIOR
20% discount for groups 4+ persons. Discount code TIIM20
Registration: (add a tick in the relevant box – Baltic League)
Additional price for Baltic League 15€
22.09.2024 Riga, Latvia
Competition organizer: Patria Race