


Uus anatoomikum
Illustratsioon: Uus anatoomikum 20. sajandi alguses
Autor teadmata (Rahvusarhiiv).
Tartu on eriline linn, kuna siin on lausa kaks anatoomikumi – vana ja uus. Uus anatoomiahoone rajati ülikooli arhitekti Reinhold Guleke ja arhitekt Rudolf von Bernhard projekti järgi Vallikraavi nõlvale 1888. aastal, et leevendada vana anatoomikumi ruumiprobleeme.
Uus anatoomikum ehitati kahe eraldi hoonena, mida ühendas koridor. Sinna kolisid ülikooli arstiteaduskonna füsioloogia ja patoloogia instituut, üks esimesele, teine teisele korrusele. 1898. aastal ehitati kaks hooneosa ruumipuuduse tõttu omavahel kokku. 19. sajandi lõpul oli see suurim ülikooli uusehitis.
Arstiteaduskonna instituudid lahkusid hoonest 1999. aastal, kui koliti Maarjamõisa väljale rajatud Biomeedikumi. Remondi järel asusid hoonesse filosoofiateaduskonna slaavi ja vene filoloogia osakond ja keelekeskus ning alates 2013. aastast asuvad siin sotsiaalteaduste valdkonna instituudid.


New Anatomical Theatre 
New Anatomical Theatre in the early 20th century 
Author unknown (National Archives of Estonia)
Tartu is special as it has not one but two anatomical theatres – the old and the new. The new
anatomical theatre was built on the slope of Vallikraavi street in 1888 according to the design of the
university’s architect Reinhold Guleke and architect Rudolf von Bernhard to alleviate the space
shortage at the old anatomical theatre. 
The new anatomical theatre was built as two separate buildings connected by a corridor. The Faculty
of Medicine’s Institute of Physiology moved to the ground floor and the Institute of Pathology to the
first floor. In 1898, due to a lack of space, the two buildings were joined. At the end of the 19th
century, it was the largest new building of the university. 
The institutes of the Faculty of Medicine left the building in 1999 when Biomedicum was opened in
Maarjamõisa. After the renovation, the building housed the Department of Slavic and Russian
Philology and the Language Centre of the Faculty of Philosophy and, since 2013, the institutes of the
Faculty of Social Sciences.

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Tartumaa, Tartu vald, Pupastvere, Männi
+372 5821 1203


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