
KP 16


Vallikraavi 25 eramu

Ülikooli luteri koguduse pastoraadihoone rajati 1876.–1978. aastal krundile, mis oli ülikoolile kuulunud juba 19. sajandi algusest. 1909. aastal ehitati hoone katusekorruse ruumidesse koguduse leerisaal. Ülikooli kogudus likvideeriti Nõukogude võimu survel 1948. aastal, endises pastoraadihoones tegutses aga juba 1946. aastal ajutiselt ülikooli ühiselamu. Hiljem olid siin kuni 1994. aastani ülikooli nahakliiniku õppe- ja tööruumid. Pärast seda kasutas hoonet Tartu Üliõpilasküla kontor, mis kolis 2003. aastal Narva mnt 25 ühiselamusse. Ülikool müüs maja seejärel erakätesse.

Filoloog ja tõlkija Ain Kaalep on meenutanud:
„Kunagi, mõned aastad enne sõda, veel õige väikese koolipoisina elasin ma kõrvalmajas, mille kohale on praegu ehitatud Park-hotell. Koguduse majas elas siis Ülikooli saksa koguduse pastor oma poegadega. Arusaadavalt käis siis meil üle plangu üks pidev kivisõda ja kaklemine… Pärast sõda oli seal mõnda aega tütarlaste ühiselamu. Toad olid üsna tihedalt täis, ruumipuudus oli suur.“


Vallikraavi 25 private home

The parish building for the university’s Lutheran congregation was built between 1876 and 1978. The land on which it was built had belonged to the university since the early 19th century. In 1909, the rooms on the building’s top floor were converted into a congregation hall. In 1948, under pressure from the Soviet authorities, the congregation was dissolved. However, the university used the former parish building as temporary student housing in 1946. Later, until 1994, the building housed the study and work rooms of the university’s Dermatology Clinic. After that, the Tartu Student Village used the building as an office before relocating to Narva mnt 25 in 2003. The university then sold the building to a private buyer.

Linguist and translator Ain Kaalep says, “As a young school boy a few years before the war, I lived next door to where the Park Hotel is now located. At the time, the pastor of the university’s German congregation and his sons lived in the building. Of course, we were always throwing rocks at one another and fighting over the fence… After the war, the building was used as student housing for girls for a while. The rooms were packed. There was an enormous lack of space.”

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