KP 5
Nooruse 7 ühiselamu
390-kohaline ühiselamu rajati 1987. aastal. See oli ülikooli viimane Nõukogude ajal ehitatud ühikas. Hoone renoveeriti 2000. aastatel, läbib ka praegu uuenduskuuri ja avatakse plaanide kohaselt tänavu suvel 323-kohalisena.
Arstitudeng Paula meenutab 2019. aastal suvevaheaja järel ühikasse naasmist:
„… toakaaslane oli terveks suveks pisikese akna lahti jätnud ja võimalust kasutades olid kummuti alumisse sahtlisse end sisse seadnud tuvid. Terve tuba oli valget kakat täis ja kontoritoolil lesis ülejäänud pesamaterjal – oksarisu. Kummutis asuvast tuvipesast paistsid ka munad. Tegime isaga ühe kummutisahtlitest lahti ja sealt lendas välja noor tuvi, teine kükitas peidus. Isa pani kindad kätte, püüdis tuvid kinni ja lasi aknast lendu.“

Nooruse 7 student residence
This 390-room student residence was built in 1987. This was the last dormitory building the university constructed during the Soviet era. It was renovated in the 2000s and it’s currently getting a makeover, with the plan to open it this summer as a 323-room building.
Paula, a medical student, says about returning to the residence after the summer break in 2019, “…my roommate had left a tiny window open for the whole summer. Some pigeons had taken advantage of the opportunity and made a nest in the lower drawer of the dressing table. The whole room was full of poop, and a pile of sticks left over from the nest was on the office chair. I spotted some eggs in the nest. My dad and I opened up another of the dresser drawers, and a young pigeon flew out. Another one was hiding. Dad put on some gloves, caught the birds and let them fly out of the window.”