KP 6
Purde 27 ühiselamu
Ülikool omandas ühiselamu 2001. aastal, mil ülikooliga liideti Tartu Õpetajate Seminar. Endine seminari ühiselamu oli valminud 1995. aastal ja selles on 225 kohta. Hoones tehti 2004. aastal põhjalik renoveerimistöö.
Siin 2010. aastatel arstiõpingute ajal elanud Triin meenutab:
„Üldiselt oli selline vaikne ühikas, aga aeg-ajalt võis ikka leida neid boksikaaslasi, kes köögis poole ööni pidu pidasid või mune keetes munad õhku lasid, nii et tuletõrjealarm tööle läks. Veider oli tubade nummerdamise süsteem: meie tuba oli nr 243 neljandal korrusel, mitte teisel, nagu võiks eeldada, sest esimene number viitas püstakule ja alles teine korrusele. Mind ajas see alguses igatahes segadusse.“

Purde 27 student residence
The university acquired this residence in 2001 when it merged with the School of Teacher Education. The former school residence was built in 1995 and houses 225 students. The building received a complete makeover in 2004.
Triin, who lived here during her medical studies in the 2010s, says, “Generally it was pretty quiet. But from time to time, you’d find roommates who’d party in the kitchen throughout the night. Or they’d blow up eggs while trying to boil them, causing the fire alarm to go off. The room numbering was weird. Our room was number 243, but on the 4th floor, not the 2nd, as you would assume. That was because the first number signified which part of the building you were in, and the second marked the floor. Anyway, it was confusing for me at first.”