KP 7
Raatuse 22 ühiselamu
Raatuse tänaval paikneb ülikooli uusim ühiselamu, mis ehitati 2002. aastal. Kuuekorruselises majas on veidi üle 700 elamiskoha.
2020. aasta kevadel, koroonaviiruse esimesel laineharjal oli ühikas tähelepanu keskpunktis, sest siin kehtestati pärast rahvarohket pidu nakatunutele ja nendega lähikontaktis olnud isikutele kahenädalane karantiin. Oma igapäeva elu kirjeldas naljatlemisi üks toonaseid ühika elanikke:
„Nelja seina vahel hullumist vältides on tudengil seltsiks nii internetiühendus, raamatud ja ka kitarr. „Olen siiski alles algaja, aga mõned meeleoluga kattuvad laulud, mida harjutan, on The Beatlesi „Blackbird“ ja Willy Nelsoni „On the Road Again“.“

Raatuse 22 student residence
The residence on Raatuse Street is the university’s newest, constructed in 2002. The six-storey building has a little over 700 living spaces.
In the spring of 2020, at the height of the first wave of COVID, the residence became the focus of attention when, after a crowded party, the infected and those who had been in close contact with them were placed in quarantine in the building. One of the occupants at the time said jokingly of their daily lives, “We have the Internet, some books and even a guitar to avoid going crazy stuck between those four walls. I’m just a beginner, but some of the songs that fit the mood I’m practising are the Beatles’ Blackbird and Willy Nelson’s On the Road Again.”